The Schedule

Purchase additional BBQ dinner tickets by clicking HERE!

Please select the "Donate" Button. The price is $100 per ticket for adults.

Once on the page, click the yellow "Donate" button above the registration fees. Enter the amount ($100) manually and proceed to submit your payment. Once the transaction is complete, Beth will make sure you receive your ticket.

Adults = $100 per ticket

Kids 6 - 16 = $50 per ticket

Kids under 6 = free


There will be 10 Scientific Sessions in total.

Note for Presenters: There will be provisions for PowerPoint presentations ONLY, i.e. no slides, overheads, etc. A laptop computer (PC compatible) with a computer projector will be available. The laptop has a USB port for those who wish to load their presentations on this computer.


The Richard F. Thompson New Concepts Session
Chair: Catherine Kaczorowski
Participants: Open to all participants. Five minute PowerPoint presentations on new ideas, findings or techniques. All participants in the New Concepts session MUST load their presentation on the conference computer prior to this session. While you may bring your flash drive or memory stick to the meeting room one hour prior to the session, you are strongly encouraged to email your PowerPoint presentation prior to the meeting to the WCNP office at: