The Schedule
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Please select the "Donate" Button. The price is $100 per ticket for adults.
Once on the page, click the yellow "Donate" button above the registration fees. Enter the amount ($100) manually and proceed to submit your payment. Once the transaction is complete, Beth will make sure you receive your ticket.
Adults = $100 per ticket
Kids 6 - 16 = $50 per ticket
Kids under 6 = free

There will be 10 Scientific Sessions in total.
Note for Presenters: There will be provisions for PowerPoint presentations ONLY, i.e. no slides, overheads, etc. A laptop computer (PC compatible) with a computer projector will be available. The laptop has a USB port for those who wish to load their presentations on this computer.
The Richard F. Thompson New Concepts Session
Chair: Catherine Kaczorowski
Participants: Open to all participants. Five minute PowerPoint presentations on new ideas, findings or techniques. All participants in the New Concepts session MUST load their presentation on the conference computer prior to this session. While you may bring your flash drive or memory stick to the meeting room one hour prior to the session, you are strongly encouraged to email your PowerPoint presentation prior to the meeting to the WCNP office at:
The Dynamic Engram in Health and Disease
Chair: Denise Cai
Participants: Denise Cai, Antonio Fernandez-Ruiz, Peyman Golshani, Laura Colgin, Kay Tye.Plasticity vs Stability in Memory Encoding and Storage
Chair: Jason Shepherd
Participants: Megha Segal, Ulli Bayer, Kari Hoffman, Mazen Kheirbek and Jason Shepherd.Neuromodulatory Control of Internal States
Chair: Moriel Zelikowsky
Participants: Moriel Zelikowsky, Tina Kim, Larry Zweifel, and Ismail Ahmed.Shaping the Brain: Impact of Early-life Insults on Lifelong Plasticity and Behavior
Chair: Catia M. Teixeira
Participants: Catia M. Teixeira, Anne Wheeler, Derya Sargin, Jonathan Epp, Christoph Anacker.New Views of the Hippocampal Formation and the Cognitive Map
Chair: Beth Buffalo
Participants: Beth Buffalo, Azahara Oliva Gonzalez, Doug Nitz, Yi Gu, and Cory Miller.A Whole New World: How Novel Sensory Experience Guides Future Behavior
Chair: Ames Sutton Hickey
Participants: Monica Dus, Bianca Jones Marlin, Brian Dias, and Paule JosephNeural Mechanisms of the Enhancement of Memory by Value
Chair: Barbara Knowlton
Participants: Arne Ekstron, Salman Qasim, Barbara Knolwton, Alison Preston, and Joey DunsmoorDendritic Mechanisms Underlying Plasticity
Chair: Jayeeta Basu
Participants: Huan Ma, Lucy Palmer, Sonia Gasparini, and Rishikesh NarayananApplying Precision Medicine Approaches to the Study and Improvement of Age-Related Cognitive Impairment
Chair: Carol Barnes
Participants: Matthew Huentelman, Lee Ryan, Emily Rogalski, Bryan Strange, and Meredith HayBeyond Dopamine: Multi-Neuromodulator Interactions in Striatal Circuits
Chair: Kauê M. Costa
Participants: Kauê M. Costa, Raffaella Tonini, Jun Ding, and Tianyi Mao